And yet that’s obivously not what this thread’s context was before you started self-jerking to moral superiority.
Have some self awareness.
This isn’t a Wendys Drive Thru.
Here, since you have difficulty following, let me copy where the original thread started.
The amount of downvotes on comments trying to help people not get price gouged and comments supporting these subscription price increases shows me just how many corporate shills are actually out there. No wonder these corps keep getting away with this bullshit.
I am not the one who started the moral superiority, I just disagreed at being called a “corporate shill” before a bunch of insecure assholes started losing their shit.
Maybe try having self awareness yourself before suggesting it to someone else.
Self inserting as a main character to claim you’ve been attacked so you can shill your moral superiority is the cherry on top of your bullshit sundae.