Kids these days will never get to experience the joy of finding woods porn.
When we were kids, we used to collect paper to get money for school trips and such. For us it was minly to find porn and find out who has a LOT of porn at home.
Wait, people would just give you their porn to recycle or whatever you did with the paper to turn it into school trips? You’d figure they’d be a bit more discreet in how they got rid of their porn, like hiding it in a box in the woods.
They didn’t give a fuck. People who had porn back then had A LOT of porn. I assume they had multible subscriptions to get porn weekly. I assume, i can’t remember they kinda hid it under some newspaper, but if you have one newspaper for every 10 porn magazines, it’s kinda hard to hide.
Gen Z here. Only “age-inappropriate” things I found in the woods were condoms and syringes :(
WTAF - I thought it was just us that struck gold. I mean, the magazines were sort of damp (from the forest!! From the forest!!) but we COULD not believe our luck when we found that motherload in the forest.
Who leaves it there though? And it was always years out of date.
Is there a jazz mag fairy we weren’t told about? “You need to behave now, otherwise the porn fairy won’t leave a 1984 copy of Readers Wives in the elderberry tree!”
Well as I say nature provides