Hi! I’m looking for a good cloud storage provider for my backups. I will encrypt them locally and rclone them, so integration is important. I’ve been looking through reddit, and every single provider has something behind their ears (closes accounts, scans files, sketchy, blah blah blah), so I’m having a bit of an analysis paralysis.
Free tier would be ideal. I don’t need a lot of space, just a few GBs. Thanks :)
I’m using backblaze. I use truenas. I encrypt before send. Not sure about a free tier but I think I’m using a couple terabytes
Backbone has an option where you can store the encryption key yourself if you don’t want others accessing your files. Of course, the usual caveats around being extra careful with that key apply.
I think 10GB of storage is free and then 6$ for 1TB. There is also a cost if you want to download backup, but its free for 3x of the data stored. Amazing for backups
Note- there is also a charge for calls per day.
I forget how truenas does it but I moved to restic which calculates changes locally then uploads the changed bits making it easily doable daily without extra charges.
Yeah I saw that, but not sure how it works in detail tbh. Anyway, I had 10GB that increased to 200GB recently and it cost me 2$ since April this year. That was for storage and few downloads to test bckups. I trck the cost and so far Im happy