I recently found out that there is a registry hack you can use to get back this menu. It’s so dumb that you have to even do this but at least it’s an option. https://www.howtogeek.com/759449/how-to-get-full-context-menus-in-windows-11s-file-explorer/
That’s the method I used, yeah. You have to either restart the computer or just restart file explorer.
I think it’s stupid they changed it, 9/10 times when I need the menu I need something that requires an extra click, stupid UI regression.
You can also use Shift +Right Click to show the menu. I just hate having to do that.
Alternatively, if you’re only really bothered by the new one missing shell extensions* then you can use Custom Context Menu to add your own context menu entries. I couldn’t stand not having “Add to VLC Playlist” or 7-Zip shell extensions, but otherwise I don’t mind it.
*Which is really on the third party devs, as they could easily register them for the new context menu.