Windows 10 gets three more years of security updates, if you can afford them::Windows 10 gets a version of the program that extended updates for Windows 7.
I mean, TPM 2.0 is already 4 years old so were not really talking about MS requiring cutting-edge tech when they stop supporting Win10 in two years.
My computer parts were like 8+ years old when I replaced them. And I can afford to do so, not everyone can.
But getting a 6 year old used laptop by the time its necessary is fortunately pretty cheap. And for consumers there’s honestly very few that need to use windows, so there’s always Linux distros as an alternative.
I get that it’s not a good move for consumers, I’m not disagreeing with that. But it’s just also so very far from the catastrophe that so many seem to insist it is. It’s honestly just a mild inconvenience, and the coverage it’s getting is IMO completely out of proportion to the problem.
It’s more that windows constantly has all of these little things that build up to something big. For some it’s just the straw that broke the camel’s back.