Windows 10 gets three more years of security updates, if you can afford them::Windows 10 gets a version of the program that extended updates for Windows 7.
I disagree with the user base. I’m a dick. Got it. Can you point out where I have dune anything but express my opinion?
Bruv. You have a -16341 and decreasing total user score.
Clearly you’re quite abrasive to have a score like that.
Not to mention that you have about 15.2333… comments per day on average which seems pretty damn obsessive to me.It seems reductive to go back to Reddit insults. “You have low karma and spend too much time on the platform.” Cmon.
15 comments a day is nothing, that’s an hour of active engagement, a day.
The -16k is much more telling though. Nobody gets the low without intentionally being a dick.
15 comments a day (key word) on average.
He’s had the account for 2 months and already has 915 comments.
I’ve had my account for 6 months, am active nearly every day and barely have half that.
He’s turned this into his personal messenger and most of it is him spewing vomit in text form.