Or maybe they will launch Win 12 with optional TPM support.
Imho making the OS(es) TPM only cannot be good for their business, many people are still on Win 10 with no intention to switch, since their motheboard does not support TPM and do not want to upgrade PC / waste PCI-E slot on TPM extension.
This breaks your ability to get security updates on win11 though right?
Windows Update gets turned off yes.
But you wait say 6 months and then it back on, Do all updates and then run the playbook again (after it’s been hopefully updated)
6 months no patches?
Yeah… Sounds like a great idea that all non-tech users should be using /s
Don’t do this. Running unpatched software is a recipe for disaster.
Not always. Windows has a built in delay function. And business often hold back while testing is done.
Waiting 6 months is fine to let improvements come out and fix any bugs previous updates might have introduced.
If something major comes out that needs patching immediately, since we’re all tech heads and have our nose in the news constantly, then you find out about it and update there and then. No biggy.