Hey guys, I’m new to self-hosting; I’m trying to set up cloud storage to store pics and other content. However, I’m unsure whether to use my old computer, Buy NAS or ResberryPie to set up a home server.
Also, what is the best privacy-friendly OS to use with the home server?
Lastly, do’s and don’ts.
Any help would be appreciated (:
Raspberry pi cant transcode so its not best for media server
To expand on that:
Kinda right and still wrong.
You actually can transcode. But the performance wont be great.I tried it with Jellyfin by transcoding anime episodes thanks to SSA subs (1080p ~1GB @ 20min episodes). Performance was about 0,7-0,9x
because I had issues with power on rpi USB ports for storage.
Corrupted my kernel by having 2 USB powered disks on it (hdd and ssd) and wondered why the write performance sucked so hard if I wrote to both at the same time.
Then I updated the kernel and corrupted it c:Check wiki.servarr.com
Don’t forget trash guides.
The 2 usb ports on RPI share the same usb controller and pcie lines, so you can’t expect max throughput on both ports simultaneously
Problem was less the throughput and more the power it could provide to supply both a 2.5" hdd and ssd.
If you connected the monitor your could see a bolt on the monitor probably warbing about undervoltage/power.
When I upgraded the kernel it went down during the upgrade.