AFAIK, and use it because the ml can also stand for “Marxist-Leninist”, and the two primary maintainers of Lemmy are Marxist-Leninists . Not sure about the others though.
That’s not true at all. ML was used as an idiological choice as it’s the only free TLD you can get and you should not have to pay for a domain name as per Lemmy’s creators ideology.
That’s not true. There are a few other free TLDs. I think five total?
It can also definitely stand for Machine Learning which is the first thing that comes to my mind
Yes, but as discussed several times here and there Lemmy Devs are pro china and anti USA and they admin lemmy.lm. in this case LM stays for Marxism Leninism.
Hey now, what’s with all the logic and stuff. We only allowing jumping to conclusions around these parts, you should know better than that.
It’s not jumping to conclusions; it’s actually pretty well-known. The devs and their instance are very open about being Marxist-Leninists.
I don’t see how machine learning is related to Lemmy in any way
Okay, fair enough. So…we getting back to Lemmy now?
It really is an interesting social experiment when talking in neutral tones about people with communist beliefs. So I said are we getting back to Lemmy now and I get a battering of downvotes, okay I struck a nerve, but why? I’m pretty “far left” in my beliefs but we are all here aren’t we?
It’s just interesting to see people say “well you can change instances!” Yeah, but the devs are still the devs - just because they’re not running those instances doesn’t mean they’re not the father or grandfather of those alternate instances. So your beliefs make you take a stance on the instance you choose, but not the software? How do you reconcile that?
As far as the developers go, I think they created a great piece of software, but I trust the open source community to vet like they always do with all open source software, let’s see where this goes. I think the developers want to see the world in a way that just isn’t compatible with our current evolutionary state. They stated that they have their beliefs, and what they expect of their communities is kindness, and consideration towards others. So far, I’m good with that.
I mean, the concepts of Marxism are actually quite noble. But there’s no doubt about it. The system fails because the people never end up in control, it simply doesn’t work. I just feel these devs simply live in the clouds too much and are not grounded in reality. I’m not sure how old they are, but they may not have lived enough life to realize we’re not a people evolved enough to support a true balanced socialist lifestyle - the best we can do is try to interject social programs into our capitalist lifestyle, as it is today, to fill the gaps that a capitalist society leaves behind.
Yes but lemmy has nothing to do with Machine Learning.
Do you have a source for that statement?
Yes. Check (Google) esses in GitHub of one of Lemmy Devs, check official Lemmy creation history, check Reddit post announcing lemyy creation.
This topic was discussed multiple times here and there.
Alright, thanks. I’ll look around. I don’t have a problem with it if that’s why they chose ml, I just want to know for sure before I told anyone that. Some people get up in arms about socialism.
LemmyNet GitHub:
One of two creators and main devs (second one:
His essays on github:
Very polite version of lemmy creation:
In this trhead someone already posed reddit annoucment, which uses more honest wirding 🙂
Okay, but.
Are they Marxist-Leninist? Pro-China? Socialists? Anti-capitalists? Looks like: yes.
Was the whole thing founded on the grounds of free, shared things and anti-corporate thinking? Also yes.
Do we absolutely know for sure that the ML domain was chosen because of this? No, because the above sources (or any source I ever saw) confirms or denies this claim. (If there is something specifically about the TLD, please share with me.)I’m not saying it stands for Machine Learning. I’m not saying it stands for My Love or Mah Lord. But I also wouldn’t say that it for sure stands for Marxist-Leninist. We can assume, but we don’t know for sure. Maybe it’s because it’s free, maybe it sounds cool, maybe it’s Maybelline. We don’t know this specific aspect of the story. (As far as I’m aware.)
Yes. Here you are right. There is no written explanation for the domain name I’m aware of, but from all possible interpretation this is the most logical one.
Fucking KNEW it, just found this.
It was simply just free.
People and their “knowledge” about topics they don’t know anything about…Thanks!
Idk if it was intentional or not but that last sentence is a great pun lmao, what type of drug are you on
I’m going to have to make a copy paste for this:
.ml stands for Mali.
.ee stands for Estonia.
.tv stands for Tuvalu
Just like .ca stands for Canada.
Please don’t make a copy paste for this, smh.
this is technically true, but it’s not why lemmygrad, ran by full on communists, chose the .ml tld
Which ironically, is now failing due to the fault of those in power of that TLD. The fediverse needs to be careful with tld’s they choose. ICAAN exists, but it’s obvious that some domain power is delegated and therefore safer TLDs should be chosen
Honestly this might be an unpopular opinion, but I think this literally down to bad luck and this is nothing we have to be prepare for anymore than any other host. Which is an incredibly small amount. It’s not like this shit happens often as there would be a lot of news coverage around it considering the amount of big companies affected, and I frankly think this is very low on the list of priorities of things that lemmy has to keep in mind or address at some point.
I completely agree with you. My point was purely to say that in the future those running parts of the fediverse now need to be more cautious. Now that we know that ICAAN will allow TLD administrators to reclaim these domains, it’s important that TLDs are chosen less about how they look in the moment as a cool URL, and more about their historical integrity of keeping a domain active.
My point was purely to say that in the future those running parts of the fediverse now need to be more cautious.
And that’s where I disagree. This is like being attacked by a lion in Berlin. Yeah, it’s a risk, but tbh it’s just such a stupid situation that if it happens, we are decentralised so for most ppl it should be a minimal impact, and for the rest it’s unavoidable. My point is, there’s always a non-zero chance for this but we should waste no time thinking about this, as there’s no real solution to it. It’s like saying “there’s a non-zero chance my house can be hit by the shockwave a meteorite”. No one prepares for that, as it makes no sense to accomodate for that.
And I generally agree with the integrity of your solution, but at that point you would also need to think about any other political decision that could lead to TLDs changing ownership. Imagine if .net changed ownership and suddenly there’s a 23yo billionaire setting new prices for like every 5th host on the internet. That’s so ridiculous there’s no way plan for all of those possibilities in every way.
My comment is purely about new servers being set up. It’s decentralized but there is a massive margin of users on certain servers. It’s always a non-zero chance of something going wrong, but the fediverse shouldn’t be without responsibility and efforts to improve. If it’s know that certain TLDs are likely to take back a domain, then don’t use them.
there’s a non-zero chance my house can be hit by the shockwave a meteorite
More like “there’s a non-zero chance that country-based TLDs are more risky”
One has real data behind it, one is a literal random basis
I’m surprised they didn’t use the .su Soviet Union Top Level Domain.
Stalinists, not communism
It’s funny you’re getting down votes for this. ML was literally created as the official formulation of Marxism & Leninism for the USSR by Stalin.
Reactionary Stalin/China/etc stans try to frame themselves as communists and don’t like it when it’s called out. They’re like qanonists with a different cult leader.
.ml was the main Lemmy before .world Most communities were there.
Yes I know, the owners of lemmygrad/ created lemmy
I can’t believe someone else is having the exact same conversation with the exact same person as me
Feels more like Reddit every day
Yes, it stands for Mali, no, it’s not why lemmygrad used the domain name. Do you think all the services like Grammarly and Bitly are all Libyan services as well? Because I’ve got news that may just blow your mind.
Please stop copy-pasting ignorance.