With simple messager selling out & qksms no longer being actively worked on. What’s our options for open source sms messagers?
Should I dedicate time to learning flutter and building my own or does anyone know any cool foss projects working on this issue?
Plenty of services still unfortunately rely on SMS for 2FA, so we’ll still need a client to receive them. Doesn’t really need to be able to send them though, I don’t think any human has sent an SMS message deliberately for about 12 years!
I don’t think any human has sent an SMS message deliberately for about 12 years!
sweats nervously in American
I don’t know anyone in Canada that isn’t a new Canadian that uses anything other than the default sms app on their phone. (FBM and Insta and what not don’t count in my example).
SMS is alive and well in Canada.
My condolences. But seriously though, what if you want to have a group chat, or send a file?
Plenty of group chats that mix iMessage and sms, just through iMessage, or just sms group chats.
Most new Canadians I interact with have WhatsApp, however, as I understand that’s quite popular abroad.
SMS doesn’t have group chats does it? Unless your client is just sending the same message to everyone and grouping together the responses?
SMS is my primary mode of contact with the rest if the world. I use Signal as well, but most people I know only use SMS.
So how do you have group chats or send files with your non-Signal contacts?
It has never occurred to me to do either of those things, and apparently hasn’t to anyone I’m in contact with either.
Though I don’t use group chats or send files in Signal either, so there’s that.
You don’t x)
More seriously, in these cases, I often rely on emails instead. But I don’t really use group chats a lot (even with my contacts that are on Signal), nor send many files, so it’s not features I really miss. And SMS works with everyone, so it’s always my default if the contact isn’t on Signal.
Blimey, you and I have wildly different use cases, I don’t think I’ve sent an email to someone who wasn’t a business for decades!
Group chats work over SMS. I use cloud links for large files or just SMS/MMS for pictures and you just live with the low quality if texting with an iPhone user.
SMS doesn’t have group chats does it? Unless your client is just sending the same message to everyone and grouping together the responses?