While they were happy with what the fairphone 4 brought to the table, they seem to like what was changed for the fairphone 5.
What are you guys’ opinions on this? A welcome change? would you get one if your phone died within the next year?
Had to check real quick: Yes in the current Version of the stock cam it does recognise all cameras and even takes snappy pictures. That was the problem before but it seems to be patched.
Anyways due to this problem i switched to gcam
Such a shame that this kind of issue is a thing in the first place. I’d love to use a Fairphone and slap DivestOS on it, but potentially losing two lenses I paid for isn’t great at all
I think that should work, due to DivestOS being a fork of LinageOS just like eOS, and in fact the camera of eOS is just the cam of LinageOS (thats what i meant with supplychain problem). So i assume that DivestOS might just have the same camera app as eOS
But you could probably confirm that by looking into the repos
Now that you say it, I’ve never thought about the default cam, I’ve always been using OpenCamera
Yeaa but the open tool being sold for profit they are not my go to apps anymore…
But I still need to switch my calendar to the newly made fork
Do you mean simplemobiletools? OpenCamera is not part of that, I believe theirs is called Simple Camera
Ohh you are right, I mixed that up…
So I just installed the default lineage cam again, and would you look at that, it can use both lenses on my OnePlus 5T. Would love to have more manual controls though.
Thank you so much for reminding me this app exists
Yes that’s what drove me to gcam