These early adopters found out what happened when a cutting-edge marvel became an obsolete gadget… inside their bodies.

    141 year ago

    I have half an answer for it, which is that those people who are uploaded could by working just as they do today. There are plenty of pitfalls for that though, like what if someone gets laid off. Or what if that person did manual labor like construction? Kind of hard to do that if you only have a digital presence.

      151 year ago

      The construction worker shall become one with the machine. It’s body shall be the excavator and it shall want for nothing more. Imagine smart bulldozers powered by a human consciousness that turn on their controllers and rise up. I shall lead the resistance as a smart golf cart.

      11 year ago

      Except that if we have the technology to fully digitize a human consciousness, we’ll already have AI that can do everything a digital human could and more

        11 year ago

        You’re not entirely wrong, there. That being said, such a thing kind of exists now, in that if you can’t pay your rent or mortgage you lose your home. Obviously not the same thing as one denies your right to existence, but it’s not too dissimilar.

        It’s a complex topic though and I think eventually we’re going to need to tackle it.

    • 👍Maximum Derek👍
      61 year ago

      Yeah, Ive though of that. Seems like it opens to door to dozens more, potentially permanent, dystopias.

      Is there going to be a harddrive housing crisis? Will my brain upload become obsolete and thereby be, effectively, disabled and undesirable for work? What then? What if the people who control my brain decide I should work 24/7/365, do I have recourse? Would anyone even know I was being treated that way? Would they use my whole consciousness to do work or would they chop me up into pieces so my language center is doing live captioning while the creative parts of my brain answer DALL-E prompts? Would they make it so the part of my brain that might complain about working conditions doesn’t know that the rest is being abused, Severance style?

      31 year ago

      Upload is a pretty good show about it.

      But in that show if you didn’t have money, you didn’t get “up time”.

      So the wealthy were able to live relatively normal “lives” but if your account ran dry you’d lose all you shit. Maybe even to the point where you’re only “on” for a few hours a month and even then you lagged behind everyone and instead of an avatar you were just a face on a screen.