Edited the title to what the article has now.
Fuck. I have been using them for backup for years, I currently have everything on my NAS but still like having important stuff in an offsite backup.
Anyone know a reasonably priced cloud storage provider that has integration (either 3rd or 1st party) with Unraid?
Edit: Dropbox just renewed my annual subscription last night at midnight 🙃
Double edit: I went into my Dropbox web portal and found that the setting was enabled by default for me. I’m in the US.
I had good luck with B2 backblaze but recently switched to storj for E2EE backups without having encrypted filenames in the browser. Overall these solutions are slower and more expensive than typical cloud backups, but it’s well worth it to stick it to the man.
Edit: more expensive, not cheaper.
Cool I will look into that! What are you running on your NAS to facilitate the backups?
TrueNAS Scale has a built-in cloud backup tool that supports the common sites and protocols. Most all NAS solutions have something similar. It’s really just an rsync wrapper with authentication and storage protocol support.
I use wasabi, it’s an Amazon s3 compatible storage solution, $5/month/TB with no network or access fees
Oh that’s not bad! Thanks I’ll look into it. What are you using to send the backups to Wasabi?
I run my NAS on TrueNAS, and it just has a built-in solution for taking ZFS snapshots, encrypting them, and shipping them to an S3-compatible storage.
However, for unraid, I think your easiest thing will be to use the
Did you read the article before freaking out?
I use Unraid too. What app are you using for backup? Most allow for encrypted backups which renders this issue moot (though still shitty).
I use Duplicacy (not to be confused with the unreliable Duplicati) and send encrypted backups to B2 Backblaze.
I’m actually not backing up my NAS at the moment. It’s been on my to do list for a while to figure out a solution.
How much does Backblaze run you per month? I’ve got ~2tb stored currently.