I’m interested in more details if you want to share. What are the other specs/components of your machine? What OS and software do you run? How do you handle backups?
I have a similar setup, but I don’t store anything crucial there, my documents and stuff are on dropbox.
I have 3 20TB drives, in what used to be my PC, running unraid on it, 1 drive is for parity, so it can tolerate 1 drive failure and I can easily add more drives down the line (I have a Be Quiet 900 Pro case or whatever with like 9 HDD slots).
CPU is like i7-8700K or something, 32GB ram (which I should upgrade) and like a GTX 1080
I got a lot of info from serverbuild.net for the build. It’s mostly old server parts. Server MB, CPU, RAM, and drives. I run unraid with tons of different media management dockers for handling downloads for plex. Not super worried about backing up all the data since I can just download it again. Unraid uses parity drives so if something happens to a drive I can put a new one in and shouldn’t lose any data.