How is reddit post protest, did it really win over protesters? Did the ones who left make a dent? Or like all things before, did it ultimately do nothing?
Now, if only /r/NoSleep would move here, I wouldn’t have to keep visiting Reddit. But I am just too addicted to the stories there
I looked around and we have a nosleep here as well though. Admittedly there’s not much in it yet. It would be nice if more people will post here, but it’s only been week 1 of the great migration. I’m staying positive that overtime, communities will move or not, crosspost here. :)
I missed a niche community of mine. It’s a ghost town, but I talk to myself and I see the lurkers lol one can hope. Post and the will come.
If you have friends from other social media, you can always invite them over, if you have a forum account or facebook, you can also link in the website or signature. :) or just work on posting interesting things to communities here in the hopes that it will get the ball rolling.