These early adopters found out what happened when a cutting-edge marvel became an obsolete gadget… inside their bodies.
Fuck that. Free & Open Source Software ONLY for ANY bioimplant tech.
Why not just any tech? It’s already obsolete. Nobody is going to profit from it. Why not let couple nerds tinker with it?
Fuck ANY. ALL or STFU and you have no right to broadcast any kind of deception of the people en masse no less.
Jesus calm down lmao
Stop reading emoji’s in text just because you’re sensitive. Jesus would little to no respect for your emotion inserted into others instead of being a true reading. Because it shows that you’re the ignorant narcissist.
Sure, there’ll be plenty to disagree with me but it doesn’t matter. I’m telling you the truth that you’re broadcasting about your emotional stuckage. IDGAF what people read when there’s nothnng there so I’m going ti ignore what you’re trying to say to me unless you somehow learn to pull the truth, pusher.
What the hell man😂😂 maybe answer to the right comment next time
Edit: unless this really was answer you meant for me in which case I just have no fucking clue what you’re trying to say
Don’t read emotions in words because there are none. I don’t emoji and I do what I can to be technically accurate. Doesn’t stop people from making assumptions about my emotions any time I type.
Stop assuming people have emotions just because you do when reading their words.
Maybe write in a way that doesn’t include word like stfu then. Those sound quite mad. Also you calling me narcistic etc. Really makes you soind mad as hell so if it’s a common problem for you that people assume your emotions wrongly then it’s on you. Then your writing is shit. Also none of your comment hasnt been emotionless or technically accurate😂😂
Reading emotions is on you. You think you know something from reading anything is narcissistic. You need an explanation of why? Easy.
Explaining that the readings your pulling being doubled by others is, at best, mass delusion. Much more likely is you prodding for something you know jack shit about and instead probing with an assumption. I repeat, an assumption. Something you have absolutely zero basis but if you’re right, then I’ll react some obvious giving way.
You’re not. You know jack fucking squat and it’s fucking obvious.
Cussing is not an emotion, BTW. It’s just my habit. One I care not to discard because it expresses exactly what I mean.
But by all means, do your business and explain why you read emotions in my words.
IDK, I probably wouldn’t want every anon having access to the source code for my cybereyes, let alone something like a pacemaker. Companies should be legally mandated to maintain devices like these for the average human life expectancy.
Ignorance. You don’t understand any of the philosophy or the conduct of FOSS let alone close source.
But…here…sign right here where the CIA/NSA/FBI/ETC. get any and all right to fuck you over any time the want to for any fucking reason.
Security through obscurity is not security
It’s definitely one layer of security. If it’s your only layer then you’re in trouble.
Missing the fact Open Source software is generally more secure because more people are looking at the code. You don’t need to see the source to find a vulnerability, you do need it to patch one properly though.