Twitch allowing more nudity after disproportionately banning female streamers | Twitch confirmed its policy banning nudity was sexist.::Twitch confirmed its policy banning nudity was sexist.
They absolutely can and even should be exposed to healthy non sexualized human bodies but all is depending on the context.
I dont think people who are to young to understand topics like consent and objectification have any business on stream made for erotic tinted pleasure because we cant expect them to behave mature about the content and towards the streamer. Thats even a problem for adults but we simply should know better, kids cant and will at worst imitate toxic adult behavior offline.
I also put the age at 16 because i think 18 is to unrealistic and depending on maturity much younger teens may have the right level of maturity but we cant really know that when allowing people acces to such streams.
I think you make some good points, I’m a bit torn on this topic and am not sure what to think yet. I do however agree that preventing the user from hiding any topic they don’t want to see is harmful.
Platforms need to add common-sense controls like category blocking and family modes (which the user can craft themselves).
My biggest complaint here is the platform deciding what I want to watch.
Thank you for acknowledging this. So many people grossly oversimplify objections to this into some sort of prudish anti-nudity thing. That’s not it, they’re arguing against strawmen.
I have an issue with the ongoing sexualization of content available to children, and I have precisely negative faith in Twitch’s ability to properly discriminate between “artistic” and not.