Now do iOS. (Yes I know Apple has to release their stranglehold on the browser first.)
iirc apple doesn’t allow apps that are able to download and run extra code. I know this was the reason the game mindustry didn’t have mod support on iOS. I could be wrong tho
WebKit browser, on iOS, with (most) Firefox and Chrome extensions possible.
Y’all are welcome :D (also @AllYourSmurf)
Kagi again! Those folks are good to us
Yeah that’s never gonna happen, unless the EU forces them by law.
One of the many reasons I’m so so happy to be back with an Android phone after having to use an iPhone for work for a few years
The Eu has forced them: Digital Markets Act --> alternative app stores.
But browsers aren’t app stores?
Just put the browser in an alternative app store then 😎
Where do you install browsers from?
On iOS? I don’t. I guess it shows.
I thought the EU already forced them under the Digital Markets Act to allow alternative browser engines outside of Webkit on iOS.
Likely will happen whenever Apple starts to allow sideloading, probably next year at around March.
This is a stupid argument. I have seen Orion browser support BOTH Firefox and chrome extensions right now so why cant Firefox do own extensions?
I don’t think there’s Firefox on iOS because it would have to be Safari.
There is Firefox for iOS. It uses WebKit like every other browser.
Idk why you’re being downvoted. I’ve tried Orion browser and it really does work. I assumed extensions like that would go against Apple’s App Store policies but they’ve seemed to make it works so far.