I’m in the (gradual) process of switching all my stuff from Gmail and Google to Proton mail. I really like the mail client and Proton Drive works better on my computers than Google Drive did, but Proton Drive doesn’t back up my phone yet and I wish they had an office suite like Google does. I don’t put anything important or private on Google docs, but it’s useful to be able to access my textbook notes from any of my computers. I haven’t used the password manager because I’m using Bitwarden, which I really like.
In the same boat. I currently just forward everything from gmail to ProtonMail and am gradually changing my contact email one at a time. It dawned on me that I receive mails from services I don’t give a damn about, so maybe I should not change those.
They just released photo backups on android
I missed that update! This is great news!
I want Proton Drive support on Linux.
It’s currently completely useless to me, unfortunately.
Same and windows arm too
Rclone supports proton
Indeed, but rclone is a CLI tool (with a web interface available, which I found to be a really clunky way to do things). I tried using Celeste, which uses the rclone backend, but it never finished backing up my documents folder.
The CLI process was pretty smooth for me, and afterward just works. I mean no offense when I say I didn’t expect a Linux user to balk at using CLI. A GUI would be nice, I suppose, but I like the way rclone works for me.
Fine, you got me, I’ll give the CLI a solid. :P
As a software developer, I work in CLIs and codebases all day, the last thing I want to do when coming home is more CLIs and code hahah
I feel you about coming home to code. You have my permission to tell rc to eff off