i barely trust the lane-keeping assistant in my friend’s car. imagine going 70+km/h and suddenly the car decides to jerk the steering to the left/right because you weren’t exactly in the middle of your lane.
fuck modern assistants IMO. i can use the steering wheel just fine, and people have been able to for a hundred years.
i can use the steering wheel just fine, and people have been able to for a hundred years.
People have been bad at it for a hundred years. I’m not saying that people should necessarily be using auto-steering that keeps them in the middle of their lanes, but they should at least be using systems that beep at them when they stray out of their lane.
The bar for self-driving technology isn’t some amazing perfect computer that never makes a mistake. It’s the average driver. The average driver is bad.
we can do two things (these are not mutually exclusive):
-take further control away from the drivers and make them dependent on a computer, which can always misunderstand a situation and make the driver responsible for it.
-educate drivers properly, at least in the US. americans have been historically bad at driving and have also been known to be undereducated.
I’m all for more driver education, and for stricter licensing requirements like they have in Europe. Having said that, eventually computers are going to have to take over.
It’s pretty absurd that we’re handing control over multi-ton devices traveling at tens of meters per second to fallible, bored, easily distracted humans. The safer cars get, the safer drivers feel. The safer drivers feel, the less they feel they need to concentrate on driving.
Safe driving just will never be a skill that humans will be good at. The tasks that humans are good at that require concentration are tasks that are challenging and remain challenging. Think playing a sport where there’s always action and you have to react. Humans are bad at tasks that are mostly routine and boring, but if your concentration lapses you can cause a catastrophe. Those are the kinds of tasks where people get bored so they start glancing away, reading a book or looking at a smartphone, or whatever. For driving to be engaging, it has to be non-boring, which means non-safe. The safer it gets, the more boring it gets, so people stop paying the required attention. There’s just no winning.
Considering that driving is (statistically) the most dangerous thing the average person does, I wouldn’t really say that people use the steering wheel just fine.
It’s just that computers are currently worse at it than humans.
agreed. if “autopilot” becomes a better driver than the average person, then it has a right to exist.
Despite autopilot’s flaws, this is already true, if we are speaking statistically.
In not entirely sure if I trust the statistics that are available for a couple reasons (and feel free to correct me if I’m wrong):
- They are self reported by the manufacturer
- Systems like autopilot will revert to manual control when it detects a situation it can’t handle, which means it has the luxury of “not being at fault during the crash” when it may have caused the situation 5 seconds before
- It’s comparing to all vehicles instead of just vehicles that have similar non-self-driving but effective safety features
I wouldn’t even say that without seeing statistics to back it up. The news doesn’t cover routine traffic accidents, but one Tesla screws up one thing and that story is front page. Don’t rely on anecdotes and emotions.