Burn in is pretty much a solved problem now. I have several OLED devices that each display static graphics and there is no visible burn in.
Really ? even after, like, three years of daily use ?
i’ve had my lg oled tv as a pc monitor for 3 years. daily use, mostly 60% brightness, no burn-in at all.
Yep! My OLED TV has sat around at 100% brightness with a taskbar sitting there for more than 5 years. No burn in at all. I’ve even watched those “burn in tester” videos to try to find it on purpose, too. I can’t notice a thing.
That’s amazing! I’ve been living in fear of my super expensive OLED TV getting burn-in. I turn it off during software updates, etc. Now maybe I can de-stress a little.
Are you sure they’re turned on? Not that they’ve burned in the static graphics :)