It’s official: Evernote will restrict free users to 50 notes | TechCrunch::Days after Evernote started testing a free plan with access to only one notebook and 50 notes, it has now made this change for all free users
Obsidian + ExcaliDraw is mind-blowing. The integration is absurdly good! It can even render entire PDFs for highlighting (a bit slow but usable).
I should give a try to ExcaliDraw, the fact is I usually download a plugin to respond to a need, and I’m not certain what Excalidraw answer as a need except draw
Here’s the developer showcasing some of the features. He has plenty of other videos and some are more interesting than others, but they’re overall pretty neat.
Only thing I don’t like about Obsidian is the UI. It’s just kinda clunky and obtuse. I find navigating around consistently confusing. Which sounds like a small gripe but if I can’t just open up a note taking app and get rolling I’m just less likely to take them in the first place.
Yeah, even the startup time needs some work. It’s more useful for when I’m doing other work that’s more involved.