I’m currently using 1Password but I’m no longer satisfied with it.
The VC money has gone to good though, like audits and open source code. A lot of the money they get is from company deals with bitwarden buisness anyway. As long as that works out, I can’t see them screwing over anyone while they have a money stream. If they do screw up, exporting to KeyPassXC is super easy anyway.
KeyPassXC is super easy
One of the things I dislike about KeepassXC is that it exports to a unstructured CSV file, whereas Bitwarden exports to JSON. It’s a lot easier to use something like
to parse a JSON structure, if you want to import it somewhere as opposed to dealing with CSV files.I also found the importer for Keepass CSV in Bitwarden didn’t import my “notes” and I had to individually check that for each record.