I think there might be something to be said here for some potential selection bias. Are Tesla drivers like ram drivers, overly aggressive idiots but with the added layer of being relatively new tech?
More boringly , maybe its selection on the circumstances too. For example maybe ev’s tend to drive more in urban environments, more urban may mean more collision opprtunities per time spent driving.
Of course ram is a farmers vehicle is desgned for rural use, so must rarely be seen in built up areas. /s
edit: having glanced at the cited article - theres no obvious mention of any risk adjustment, the measures seem to be simple ratio of crashes per driver. No obvious control for whether the sub-population spend more or less time driving.
Rate per - place-specific-risk adjusted person-hour would work better.As often with things like risk, it really helps to be able to do a multidimensional analysis. See if vehicle type/brand is significant after controlling for as many circumstantial factors and exposure related factors as you can reliably observe.
I assure you that large obnoxious trucks are a status symbol for many idiot right wing boomers and gen x, who take pride in daily driving a truck for their commute into, inside, and outside of cities.
They also complain about traffic, while simultaneously doing everything they can to under or unfund public transit, because they are literally incapable of understanding that adding more lanes to highways does not actually reduce traffic.
EDIT oh NO i missed the /s.
Oh well lol.
Don’t forget complaining about gas prices while driving a 17 mpg vehicle.
Seems like around me most of the big truck douches are probably 45 or under. Don’t think it’s limited to just boomers or gen x.
This is true, there is a whole thing with truck dealerships being immediately adjacent to military bases and housing.
Yeah, in my observation, it’s young men with money to burn, or they want to appear that they have money to burn.
hah, no bother.
Take any excuse to vent.Fortunately for me I don’t live in USA so these things are still a bit of a rarity, and are quite impractical in my town’s, compact and heavily pedestrianised town centre.
Sounds like yoy’ve a plague of them over there.
Yep. You say plague, I say smooth brained consuumor zombie apocalypse.
They’re impractical in US town centers too. Drivers of these often live in suburban and rural areas and act like “omg city = CRIME and those people”, and if they come into the city, get frustrated because their giant POS vehicles are difficult to park as they’re terrible at maneuvering (drivers and the truck) and don’t fit in many parking spaces.
This is so common that when I see the rare one that can actually drive and park well in a city I actually stop being angry and switch to being impressed.
I’m sure some truck drivers are very good at it, if they have to drive large trailers often for instance. But a lot of the time their giant trucks can’t even fit into a parking spot without taking up more than one space.