I guess you don’t become the manufacturer of the brand with the most auto collisions without putting a big screen on the dash and offering a dozen streaming services.
Though I suspect there’s a correlation between being stupid / selfish / lazy / unpredictable and owning a Tesla.
Oh geez, I want to give you an upvote for the first half and a downvote for the second.
It’s a whiplash experience to move so quickly between fair-minded discussion and needless arrogant bigotry.
This entire thread has been rampant generalisations and shitting on an entire group of people for owning a product. Real Reddit energy which I ignorantly thought we’d be better about.
Yeah, Elon sucks, but all of a sudden that must mean Tesla owners are Nazis? Come on, what a load of bullshit.
Let’s be honest, Tesla is the new BMW, the brand associated with self-important upper-middle-class management pricks.
“BMW always stops with a jerk” has been a joke since before Tesla existed, and now Tesla has inherited the throne.
If you want to call me bigoted against Tesla owners I will laugh at you and wear that badge.
I think a person that buys a car from a cryptofaciest’s company, known for their labor rights suppressions, poor build quality, poor design quality, poor resale value, and poor maintenance options, Is a dumbass.
As we all know, Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech…
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by
the color of their skinthe politicians they choose to support, the billionaires they give their money to, and the decisions they make, but instead by…Wait wut? Judging people for being shitheads is allowed?
Bigotry: Obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group
Being a bigot against Nazis is a-okay in my book.
Judging people for what they have done and what they believe in is 100% fine and compatible with Dr. martin Luther King.