Not to editorialize, but I think this is kind of a crazy article. Sharing for the laughs and the discussuon.
“If anything, the toggle made me feel like I was engaging in something truly indulgent, and that appealed to my desire to pretend I’m Angelina Jolie’s character in Hackers”
…opening the settings makes them feel like a hacker?
You don’t even need to open the settings and find the option, as it just present you the toggle when you open the apk…
At this point I think people have been babied about technology long enough. It’s time people learned just a little bit about how to handle technology so that it doesn’t look like voodoo black magic anytime you do something more basic than opening YouTube and getting cat videos.
Whoa, hold on now, this take could introduce a new wave of tech scammers that actually sound like they know what they are talking about…
make her feel like a hacker