And pull themselves up by their bootstraps as usual?
cough healthcare cough
Might want to get that cough checked out. …unless you’re in America, in which case you probably couldn’t afford it.
Best I can do is an aspirin I found on the train and sleep it off.
Sleep? What do you think this is, a spa?
Get back to work, paid sick days are just a myth perpetuated by the evil socialist europeans. Don’t look it up.
If you don’t come into work today you are going to put undue burden on all of your coworkers. It’s certainly not my fault for staffing to the absolute bare minimum so that there is no room for people to be sick or take days off, it’s your fault for being a lazy worker
Oh you’re insisting you can’t come in because you are sick? I’m going to need a doctor’s note that will cost you a day’s wages.