GM’s CarPlay replacement software is off to a disastrous start - 9to5Mac::I don’t need to remind you that GM is ditching CarPlay starting with its 2024 model year EVs. We’ve covered…
No true in the least bit. I’ve worked in automotive for more than a decade, the vast majority of that time in automotive. GM is getting rid of Cp the same reason Apple got rid of Flash, they spend more time investigating issues causd by software that they can’t do anything about and AA/Cp issues are a removed. The project I am on currently has more that double issues with Projection Services than written all other components combined. Nearly half of all vehicle buy backs in North America are because of infotainment issues and like 80% of those are projection issues that are actually caused by the user’s phone. Thankfully I don’t deal with end users anymore, but have you ever tried to tell am apple fan boy that his iPhone is the cause of the problem…
Fair but that’s just the cost of business. People won’t buy cars without CP/AA unless they’re a cool EV, which GM vehicles aren’t considered.
Na I won’t buy a car without Android Auto even if it’s a cool ev. GM can diaf though
Galaxy brain solution to problem of car buybacks: make your cars so undesirable that none are sold to be bought back.
It doesn’t matter if the iPhone is causing the problem. The issue is in the way GM’s software interacts with it. If it’s shit software, the working edge cases are a lot smaller, and more people have problems with it. An iPhone isn’t exactly some kind of niche device.
Can you give a concrete example where CarPlay has been implemented properly and a bug still exists?