Lapsus$: GTA 6 hacker sentenced to life in hospital prison::Judge says hacker remains a high risk through his skills and motivation to carry out cyber-crime.
The boy hacked Rockstar using a TV, a fire stick and a phone! I think he deserves a medal, a scholarship and a high payed job as a security consultant, not punishment. Instead they destroy his life for … being too smart and too talented?! Fuck capitalism!
Sounds like he had serious issues in life and wouldn’t likely be able to hold a job or complete a scholarship. Not to mention he’s ruined any form of trust you would need to be a security consultant.
A mental health assessment used as part of the sentencing hearing said he “continued to express the intent to return to cyber-crime as soon as possible. He is highly motivated.”
The jury was told that while he was on bail for hacking Nvidia and BT/EE and in police protection at a Travelodge hotel, he continued hacking
This doesn’t sound like a kid that accidentally found some loopholes in a website and got lost down a rabbit hole. Instead it sounds like he deliberately knew what he was doing was wrong but didn’t give a shit and was quite happy to blackmail users why threatening to reveal their personal data he had stolen.
Let’s hope they can reform him over time, poor kid.
How do you “reform” mental health. Would you reform van Gogh?
Would you reform Joan of ark ?
Pick any genius. It’s called savant. Education
LOL wut? 🤣
What part is confusing you ?
The part where you didn’t understand what I said, misinterpreted it so badly, assumed something that wasn’t implied, and went on a rant equating people with dangerous severe mental illness (as in the kid in the article) to people in the creative arts.
Oh and also the Joan of Arc thing. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Haven’t explained it yet. Still waiting
For me it was the Joan of Arc thing.
But I think more generally the implied notion that mentally unstable people shouldn’t be helped because of art.
Savants are on the spectrum but are genius. You cannot remove one without the other. The reason they are so brilliant is because part of the brain has been sacrificed to increase another part.
Obviously treatment is still good but you can’t change it
Once I read that book describing many cases of extreme mental deviations like those you refer to here : having both extreme mental abilities in one very specific domain while having big social issues. You name a few historic cases of people which could very well be of this kind. People here reading what you write are skeptical (to put it politely) as I was at first reading that book, but those cases do exist,
… and a few of us understand what you say.Appreciate it but I don’t really bother with what the masses think of me. Joan of arc I remember is thought to have had schizophrenia. However she had an uncanny ability to rally people around her. Not sure that could be classed as savant.
The masses are generally unwilling to remove themselves from the status quo. Happy with their lives and just want a simple life.
Why learn about anything.
More than likely most of the most well known artist were so spectacular because they weren’t “normal” normal people do normal very well. They font excel and push the boundaries of human existence. Gotta be fucked out to push past that. Drugs can do it to some degree but for real greatness you need to be abnormal
Drugs can do it to dome degree
“Drugs can do it to some degree” … you are typing very fast I guess … but still I understand and I agree. I am probably myself about 2xSigma outside of the norm and (mostly) happy to be so.
You have clearly strong views which makes conversations more animated and interesting : I am happy to hear that you are fine with this.Take care, see you around 👍
Typing on phone can autocorrect for some reason. I’ve no idea about out of the norm, but I’d expect it to be pretty likely. No worries. Happy to converse whenever. I’m a bit head strong but happy to be proven wrong
bro they lost a whole 10 million. (this is strong sarcasm).
The horror!
He sounds like a very troubled kid: “ The court heard that Kurtaj had been violent while in custody with dozens of reports of injury or property damage.”. He is deemed a danger to himself or others so is being placed is a secure hospital for safety, hopefully he will get treatment there. He will be released if the doctors deem he is no longer a danger.
The judge said they confined him because he said he’d do it again. Not because of violent outbursts, which without further information do not rise to the level of involuntary commitment.
Are there any reports of him being violent outside of custody though? If not, he is obviously not a danger to the public and the primary problem is that he was put in custody.
I think the real problem (and not saying I agree, just the motivation of the legal system) is that he keeps saying he intends to keep breaking the laws he’s been convicted of.
In most countries, that doesn’t go down well.
Having said that, this is a stealth whole life tariff. These should be reserved for the most heinous crimes. The sadistic/multiple murderers and the like. Not compulsive hacking.
Yeah people like to ignore the part where it says something along the lines of " he will stay in prison hospital for life or until a doctor determines he isn’t a danger to himself or society."
I think the problem is that once institutionalised, it can be very hard to get out.
But also it’s quite important to remember they’ve determined he’s a danger to society because he won’t stop hacking. If that’s the bar they’re testing for, maybe it’s a long wait in store.
Yeah, but people saw a video game before it was released.
The damage this monster did to society is immeasurable!
I agree with most of what you said, but what the hell does it have to do with capitalism? He committed a crime and this is the justice system at work. Capitalism is irrelevant. I think a diversion program would have been more appropriate. He obviously has talent and needs to be redirected to apply it in more constructive ways that are legal.