The Race to Put Brain Implants in People Is Heating Up::Thanks in part to Elon Musk, the field of brain-computer interfaces has captured both public and investor interest, with a cadre of companies now developing implantable devices.
Is this going to be like those neurotech implants for the deaf blind that the company went under and now the people get no service, support or anything?
Unlikely. These implants require far less in terms of outside-the-body tech.
Also those people were blind, which is a whole other issue because you need external feedback processing.
Its novelty is that it doesn’t require open brain surgery. Instead, it’s implanted through a slit at the base of the neck and threaded up through the jugular vein into the motor cortex—the part of the brain that directs movement. The device is powered by a small battery pack placed under the skin of the chest. Synchron has implanted 10 patients, including six in a US feasibility trial supported by the Brain Initiative.
Being up to “cure” paralysis is a great thing.