It’s Time to Ditch Evernote for One of These Alternatives::undefined

    • Flat Pluto Society
      101 year ago

      Holy shit, $170 a year for pro? Who on Earth thinks it’s worth that? SAAS is generally an infuriating model, but I definitely think I get $100 worth of use out of Office 365 over the course of a year. Evernote is just not that useful.

        31 year ago

        In other words, the market is nearly saturated now, and Evernote makes its money with business people and institutions who often adhere to the “don’t change a working system” principle regarding their “tools.” Most of them will just keep paying if the functions are needed and already integrated.

        It’s a model most of these types of companies adopt sooner or later if they are for profit, and investors see the potential of this business as almost exhausted. It’s: grow, establish, grip, and squeeze.

      11 year ago

      They have just been bloating the software continually with useless features as well over the years, the android client became so bloated it was basically unusable for taking quick notes. I was a user for 13 years, after the last price increase I imported everything to Joplin about a year ago and am very happy with it.

      81 year ago

      I mostly ditched them many years ago because of privacy concerns (or lack thereof.) Around when I stopped using Dropbox too (same reason.)