Came from using it daily to only going there only when google forces me to use it
Many of such cases I assume
Me too. It was the constant popups making me download their app that did it for me.
tHiS cOmmUnIty MiGhT hAvE sEnSiTiVe CONTENT, dOwNlOaD OuR ApP pLeAsE!
Just give me my porn, you fucks
Didn’t it die together with all other 3rd party clients?
No, instead of using the official (now paid and ridiculously priced) API, Libreddit uses web scraping. This leads to some instances getting temporarily blocked, but it should work most of the time. That caused some admins to shut down their instances, which is really dumb, because we need more instances, not less. Maybe they can implement IP address rotation like Invidious, that would definitely get around the IP blocks.