I often find myself explaining the same things in real life and online, so I recently started writing technical blog posts.
This one is about why it was a mistake to call 1024 bytes a kilobyte. It’s about a 20min read so thank you very much in advance if you find the time to read it.
Feedback is very much welcome. Thank you.
TLDR: old person went back to school and reads faster than younger people, thinks younger people don’t know how to read quickly.
Bit ironic that you don’t seem to have read my comment properly.
Firstly, you missed the caveat about the example used being anecdotal.
Then you seem to have missed the bit about reports suggesting functional literacy is decreasing.
A quick google:
https://hechingerreport.org/proof-points-why-reading-comprehension-is-deteriorating/That’s the joke, but ok.