AI-created “virtual influencers” are stealing business from humans::Brands are turning to hyper-realistic, AI-generated influencers for promotions.
Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving bunch honestly
my problem with it is that we may be next
And? Go ahead and automate my job. I will find something else to do with my life. Good luck btw my work is a bit more complicated than pretending to be famous and harassing restaurants for free food until I am 30 fat or both.
they are experimentally automating lawyers and doctors already, complexity is not the determining factor here.
what is that something else in life you are going to do when they start pitching us to compete against machines? i can bet my ass on the fact they will use it to devalue human labour as much as possible, and most people cant afford to survive as is.
Cool. So it’s been 8 hours. How far have “they” progressed? Do I still have to go to work on Tuesday?
Sorry the influencer you follow can’t get free stuff anymore.
You are naive to think stuff like this will change overnight. And you might be if you think you are getting singled out and spared.
I don’t follow influencers nor do I have any traditional social media.
Who are those “they” always refered? Isn’t it that the humanity is doing all for this?
in this specific case “they” are tech corporations, tech ceos and their respective shareholders which might include a part of the global burgeoise.
i think this tech would be used much differently if the rest of the knowledgeable people in humanity had a say/vote on it, besides financial interest.
The “they” are the wealthy executives and investors doing whatever they can to optimize every single penny into their pockets
In a way it is “the humanity doing it to themselves”, but they sure aren’t asking the average worker how they feel about it, or letting them have any easier time because of it. If enough work is automated, they’d rather fire people and have one person work for two while the second person starves.
It’s a well-known fact that most people think that all jobs can be automated except their own. Well, I’m distorting it a bit to extremes.
As for me, I know my job can be automated. Actually, I’m automating it a bit to make fewer mistakes and give fewer fucks. And I know that eventually there may not be a need for me if I don’t change levels.
Fields and professions are persistent, particular roles humans perform in them are not.
Go ahead! What part of me inviting you did you not grasp?
Mixed up comments probably.
Anyway, to you my question is - why do you think such a migration would work? You are older than when you entered your current profession. And it’s a competitive system, another people would have more experience than you.
That isn’t your concern really, it is mine. Now how is it going with it? Am I going to work on Tuesday?
Web designers?