Only complaints I have with Nextcloud are that it’s slow and updates suck over the web interface. But apart from that it has been reliable. I’m not running it through Docker. In fact, my installation is so old that the database tables still have an
prefix.Mine is a snap install that started 3 years ago on virtual box and was ported over to proxmox. It has never broken, updates automatically, and generally seems to work just fine.
It doesn’t load instantly, but it doesn’t drag by any means.
They don’t anymore? XD
+1 this is exactly my experience. My install must be 5-6 years old at this point and its on the rails. I’ve braved many php updates…
You might want to try migrating your nextcloud instance to postgres instead of mysql/mariadb. Many people says they get some big performance boost. I’m going to try it myself next weekend to see if it’s true.