The world isn’t made for children, where are their fucking parents?
Their parents are not doing a good enough job. Its time for the law to step in
That is the definition of an authoritarian position.
Yes, they should step in, and direct those parents not the rest of society that isn’t a failure to their children. Maybe letting your children engage in pornographic material should be against the law, not the porn that any reasonable person can consume without involving children.
Maybe if you aren’t fit to care for your children, you shouldn’t be allowed to have them.
It’s almost like conservatives refusing to teach their children to have a healthy relationship with sex (sexual health, importance of consent, etc) is fucking them up, and banning porn is a shitty attempted bandaid solution for their inability to properly raise their children
Its time for the law to step in
funny-- people say the same thing about guns, but the reply is “NOOOOO but what about the LaW aBiDiNg CiTiZeNs”