It is if the parents wont do anything about it.
Bring in the military to feed my kids some vegetables.
Lolwut? So if my parents didn’t do something for me, the state needs to pick us the slack? No. It’s porn man, not jihad.
Then spend a day or two in sex ed every year talking about responsible porn consumption. Jfc this isn’t rocket science.
We’re talking about boobs and penises here people. Chances are you have at least one of those. This is just penetration and masturbation in realistic and fantasy settings. This isn’t profane, this is nature.
The truly disgusting part of porn isn’t the sex.
LMFAO we gonna do that for hungry kids too? Or are we just gonna cherry pick the shit the bible never said and go with “what this other guy, what’s his name, whatever doesn’t matter”, said it on Facebook that one time?
You guys are fucking ludicrous with what you think the government should and shouldn’t do. if you spent more time thinking about what you could achieve yourself and for the people around you, rather than what you think should be imposed on everyone else you may be surprised. I really hope you think about this because Jesus fucking Christ watching y’all think like this is exhausting.
So you think everyone should pay for the fact that you’re a bad parent?
Edit: This user is probably just a troll who should be blocked/banned on sight. Their argument here today flies directly in the face of another moronic stance they displayed a week ago.