Maybe grow the fuck up and stop depending on gummint to do shit for you. Bootstraps n shit, bruh.
Because, as much as I’d like to, I cant go into every family home and take away the kids’ devices.
Says the not fascist….
Cool. So let’s get all the guns out of any houses with minors.
guns are not as addictive as porn
So, you want to remove porn from every household in America because it can harm children… but not guns… because they can’t? Get your head out of your ass, please.
I never said guns cant harm children
Porn is more harmful than guns?
No. its more addictive
No, you just said porn needs to be regulated and guns don’t. Pretty shit set of priorities in my book.
Lolbruh. Porn isn’t as bunch-of-kids-shot-dead-by-another-republican-ghoul. But you go ahead and rock on.
Not too sure about that, most gun people I know or hear about don’t just stop at 1. Sounds like addiction to me. I for one only have 1 way to access porn. Checkmate.
“I’m not a fascist, I just want to impose my specific views on the entirety of humanity by force!”
Have you ever considered fellating a joshua tree?
I hope and assume you’re a troll but if you aren’t, please, please, seek help.
Just wow bro. Full fash