After setting foot on the Moon, the next destination for humankind is Mars, which presents a whole new set of challenges in speedy, long-distance space travel.
It’s a Rotating Detonation Rocket Engine"
What makes the RDRE so revolutionary is that it makes use of a sustained detonation circling around a ring-shaped channel, fed by a mix of fuel and oxygen which is ignited by each passing explosion.
Crucially, the RDRE uses less propellant fuel than conventional rocket engines, and is simpler in terms of its machinery and mechanisms. That means going into space becomes cheaper, and traveling further distances becomes possible.Saved you a click.
So they invented the rocket powered wheel?
No, it’s just gas powered car that still needs tanks and has everyone knows a around trip back to anywhere requires gas. The “ECO” of space travel.
And how else are you going to move things in space? Are you hiding a reactionless drive over there? Less fuel use is a good thing.
We don’t have unlimited fuel, rockets cost too much fuel. It’s not even normal fuel either, it’s rare chemistry rocket technology that takes a while to develop.
Alright so nobody’s going to stop launching rockets realistically, there’s too much potential in space to just ignore, rdre are a way to do the same with less.
So it’s truthfully Revolutionary, hark! A spinning engine
NASA invented a space ship powered by a rotary engine? Noice, at least until the apex seals give out, but they should be good for 80k at least.
Wankel and Mazda shine blessings upon you and your RX family
The wankel and rdre aren’t really related, but they’re similar in that they’re both oddball engines with surprising performance.
Of all of my near future rocket engine predictions, a working aerospike rdre was not on my list… I’m honestly very impressed!
Thank you I was running low on clicks.
That sounds sick. I wonder which sci-fi author came up with this idea ~60 years ago.
Maybe the Jetsons, or the turbine engines in Star Wars? If you squint hard enough, it comes close enough.
My bet’s on Heinlein.
I’d put money on Robert Forward.