I’ve been slowly working my way though a list of skills to learn, both to put on my resume and as personal growth. Networking is the next thing on this list. I am not sure what I am looking for, but I want to start another project. I have built many a personal computer, but the world of networking is a pretty foreign concept to me.
I have experience with building computers and a minor glance at the network-side of things. I’ve set up a Pi-Hole or two and set a basic CUPS server up on a RPi0w, but beyond that, I have no idea what I’m doing, or even what the possibilities are. I just see posts like this and think that it’s a pretty cool hardware project.
Is there any resources you recommend to start learning, maybe what the hardware does? From my outsider’s perspective, I see a lot of people’s racks have at least a router, switch, and firewall, along with various other machines.
E: thank you all for the suggestions! I’ll have to take some time to figure out what to do first
certification options that have some value in the job market.
How much does an experienced sysadmin make?
My research leads me to believe it’s quite low.
If your title is system administrator, maybe you don’t get paid as much with the same responsibilities as a DevOps Engineer, System Reliability Engineer, Cloud Computing Engineer etc. Don’t get caught up in titles, sell the value of your skills.
I don’t get caught up in titles. Businesses do.
Yup. Use their flawed methodologies to your advantage.