Pretty honest conversation here. If you’re doing any of the things I just listed, you’re improperly driving if your thumbs aren’t moving.
Me: “Unless I’m making a very sharp turn”
You: “When the steering wheel isn’t perfectly straight”.
There’s nothing honest about that. You’re intentionally misrepresenting my argument.
It’s cute how you’re hung up on my wording, and completely ignoring my three very real situations where your thumbs are very likely nowhere near their normal position.
Please tell me more about how I’m arguing dishonestly with what should have been obvious was a hyperbolic statement. 😉
Yes, that’s it. You’re not being dishonest, I’m just “hung up on the words you used.” Because those are not important 🙄 Goodbye
Whatever you need to tell yourself to avoid the situation I suppose. I just wanted to make sure you knew it was pretty transparent.