At home? If you drive less than 30mi a day on average, you can plug into a normal wall outlet.
How do you do that if you live on the 20th floor?
Depends where you park, are there wall outlets by the elevators in parking garages?
Not everyone can afford a place in a parking garage. For example, in my building they were only affordable for those who bought before the construction was complete, and expensive on secondary market.
So it is street or lot parking then? If lot parking, there might be a building nearby with an outdoor outlet that one could see about running power from. There are devices that can monitor the power draw to reimburse. I realize it isn’t as easy for EVs for everyone, but electrical power is everywhere. Of course public transit is better, but if that’s not an option, look into how to get power to a parking spot so we can stop using gas.
That only works if you have an outside outlet. If you don’t don’t good luck getting the landlord to fit one.
Would they rather let you put one in than you run an extension chord from inside?
You’re not allowed to make modifications to the property without authorization, so yeah they would much prefer you to run an extension cord from inside. Of course it’s unsafe and inconvenient, but they don’t care.