That’s why I only use “hunter2” for mine. With the number, it’s more secure.
Just looks like a bunch of stars to me
40 years from now when our devices just encode encrypted keys into our brains directly to identify us, we’ll still be making this joke.
40 years from now and I will finally be hunter2. My dream.
Hey that’s my password!! Get outta my head.
Damn skippy; as we put on our robes and wizard hats.
OMG! Days after I made this post it seems is no more. End of an era.
I think we’ll have moved on to hunter3 by then.
That’s why I only use “*******” for mine. With the number, it’s more secure.
I guess it works because I can’t see the password.
Nah, you need more numbers in your passwords. That’s why mine is always 123456789!
That’s it, I’m going to use hunter123456789 now for maximum security!