Apple App Store, Apple Music store, Apple Movies store, Apple Television store and uhhh Apple News. Checkmate EU
Really though, claiming your Apple App Store on 5 different hardware categories that you own excludes you from your monopoly is some bonzo horseshit. Can’t wait for the response on this one.
We don’t have a monopoly on one class of device, we have monopolies on five different classes of device. That’s definitely different and better!
Better for us!
This is a fairly fundamental misunderstanding of anything related to monopoly or anti-trust law. Maybe, maybe the iPhone, and even then it’s a stretch. edit: at least in the US.
Hey, be fair, it’s only a monopoly on four out of the five classes.
Still just one app store. The others are media stores.
Yea it was a joke, I got to the real issue in the second half of my comment
“Bonzo horseshit” is the new “cellar door”