These scammers using Mr Beasts popularity, generosity, and (mostly) deep fake AI to scam people into downloading malware, somehow do not go against Instagrams community guidelines.
After trying to submit a request to review these denied claims, it appears I have been shadow banned in some way or another as only an error message pops up.
Instagram is allowing these to run on their platform. Intentional or not, this is ridiculous and Instagram should be held accountable for allowing malicious websites to advertise their scam on their platform.
For a platform of this scale, this is completely unacceptable. They are blatant and I have no idea how Instagrams report bots/staff are missing these.
It is exactly because Instagram is at the scale that it is that caused moderation to be difficult. Facebook has relied on using bots to moderate for so long due to its scale, and using bots that are specifically designed to detect AI generated contents is really not possible without introducing a ton of false positives, since the Instagram of the 2020s at its core IS celebrity/influencer advertisement, and there is honestly very little that differentiate what constitutes as "content* and “spam” there.
Since influencers will be the first to be automated by machines, I just don’t really see a point in having an Instagram account any longer, the inevitable conclusion of creating a fake reality of your life on Instagram is being replaced by a machine that can fake it more efficiently.
How are you going to market yourself for the Oscars push without an IG account? It’s the celebrity spam platform
deleted by creator
We still have a work account, along with fan pages and memes, etc.
Hoping the Lemmy shitposting meme magic will work again, I don’t understand how it works, and it did backfire during the Golden Globes when your favorite esteemed character actress to you got her own Lemmy bit turned around on her:
Koy continued: “The key moment in Barbie is when she goes from perfect beauty to bad breath, cellulite, and flat feet — or what casting directors call ‘character actor’
Are… Are you a fugitive from the law, Margot?
Depends on if you’ve seen ‘Dreamland’ or not.