These scammers using Mr Beasts popularity, generosity, and (mostly) deep fake AI to scam people into downloading malware, somehow do not go against Instagrams community guidelines.
After trying to submit a request to review these denied claims, it appears I have been shadow banned in some way or another as only an error message pops up.
Instagram is allowing these to run on their platform. Intentional or not, this is ridiculous and Instagram should be held accountable for allowing malicious websites to advertise their scam on their platform.
For a platform of this scale, this is completely unacceptable. They are blatant and I have no idea how Instagrams report bots/staff are missing these.
On Twitter I’ve reported:
- Pictures of dead babies/toddlers
- Pictures of murdered people
- Death threats towards public figures
- Illegal videos of terrorist acts
- Ads for illegal weapons (tasers)
- So so much crypto spam
Things found by Twitter to go against their community standards? 0
Why are you on X Twitter to begin with‽
Exactly. Get the fuck off the Nazi platform
They’re all catering to Nazi’s now it feels like as Meta seems to not enforce any quality standards
do they even have community standards anymore?
Do they even have a community anymore?
unfortunately they do
I’ve been suspended for no reason more than once
“for no reason”?
yea like a false positive or whatever
Yeah, they are more leanient with their customers than with their products…
The reason is that you still have an account despite all the reason why you shouldn’t any more. Get rid of it and it should solve it.
ok but nobody on reddit or lemmy or mastodon is funny
He fired more than 80% of the original workers. There is nobody to check the reports.
idk i got a couple of accounts banned by reporting, twitter is pretty good at it’s job (or used to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
This has all been in the last year…
i got 5 accounts banned in the last year