AI-Generated George Carlin Drops Comedy Special That Daughter Speaks Out Against: ‘No Machine Will Ever Replace His Genius’::Stand-up comedian George Carlin has been brought back to life in an artificial intelligence-generated special called ‘I’m Glad I’m Dead.’

    1 year ago

    This must be the absolute epitome of this AI replication poor taste… The person who thought it would be a good idea to do this with Carlin, probably the one human who hated human bullshit more than anyone else to have ever existed, is either so out of touch they don’t even vibrate at the same frequency as the rest of existence, or so far up their own ass that they’re staring at their pancreas… An absolutely disgusting move.

    • KingJalopy
      261 year ago

      Or they’re smart by trying to create outrage and generate those tasty clicks

      541 year ago

      so out of touch they don’t even vibrate at the same frequency as the rest of existence, or so far up their own ass that they’re staring at their pancreas

      What gets me is the creator says they “studied” Carlin in order to match his style. Imagine consuming Carlin’s entire body of work and still somehow thinking this was a good idea…

        151 year ago

        I’m guessing they started with Carlin to get all the fuss out of the way up front, so they can get on with doing all the others with minimal outcry.

    • andrew_bidlaw
      41 year ago

      I’d imagine there’s a skit to make ironising the whole situation, but I’m not sure anyone can pull it off just like him, or at all. Not this random guy refurbishing his older material to make a fake guest appearance. Before all his punchlines were days of hard work, and it would be twice of that to correctly mimick his style, gestures, sense of humor and guess what he’d say now. It’d be lovely to see a talented impersonator to try that, and using AI like that is just selling this guy cheap. He deserves a better homage if there’s one needed, and not pushed like that for promotion and without contacting his family.