NASA and Lockheed Martin formally debuted the agency’s X-59 quiet supersonic aircraft Friday. Using this one-of-a-kind experimental airplane, NASA aims to
A sonic thump could still be very disturbing. Maybe not break windows, but induce panic I a lot of people.
Jesus fucking Christ, we need a word for cunts in the comments who’ll find any fuckin reason to suggest a really specific reason to be against/offended about something on behalf of someone else 😂
Is there a word for that?
Can we make one?
May I suggest a blott?
And what is so bad about not wanting sonic booms of any sort happening over my head?
I was making a point about the 0.00000001% of people that could be distressed by that but you didn’t understand my comment
Sorry, I missed the part were it was such a small number. I also doubt that number is true.
Oh gosh a noise the volume of a distant car door closing! Panic!