I’m here for the schadenfreude, but it’s horrible PR for Cloudflare to post the traffic graph of one of their customers tanking. And their CEO doing it, no less.
I’m not sure Twitter is a Cloudflare customer. There’s no Cloudflare infrastructure referenced by the DNS entries for twitter.com.
It’s not a graph of their protection product(s), it’s a graph from their DNS-service.
They don’t get the Data from Twitter, they get it from the UsersIt’s free widespread advertisement for cloudflare, we’re even talking about them right now
tbf the more people hear about cloudflare, the less people want to do with them.
The opposite, they do great things abd they have awesome products. Yes, they are expensive, but good too and you can get good stuff for free too.
DNS Queries don’t care about your silly PR. DNS is king.
Twitter isn’t their customer friends.
If I were Akamai, I’d be sure that my sales team knew to bring it up casually in conversation with every customer. Can’t buy trust, have to earn it, and you can squander it all so easily.