Anybody in his right minds wouldn’t
connectbuy a washing machinetowith WiFi in the first place.Ftfy
Said this elsewhere recently, family had a washing machine for 30 years, from when I was little to in my 30’s. Just fixed as needed. Could’ve still fixed it when they replaced it, just felt it was time.
I’ve never had dirty clothes come out of a washing machine, using cold water and powder soap. Not sure why people think an agitator needs all this nonsense attached.
I still buy my machines used off Craigslist. Current one (apartment style) is 20 years old, I’ve had it for 5 if them. Cost me less than $200. Replaced a spring for $20 so far.
There are no IoT/smart devices in my house (well, damn TV, but I’m workin on that).
Only company that makes dumb TVs anymore is Scepter, but those TV are a dice roll cause in the same model 1 tv can have a great screen and 1 can have a horrible one… and I’ve had the bad luck of the draw to get multiple bad screens that looked like shit.
So I gave up and bought a TLC.
I cracked it open and unplugged the wifi antenna though, cause you can bet your ass that bitch will never have a chance to phone home and report any and all network snooping.
Would a large monitor with a streaming box work?
Gonna pay out the fucking ass if you want 4k but yes.
Hopefully. I fear the day I plug in a new monitor and the damn thing pops up a “Please enter your wifi username and password to use this monitor”